Monday, July 26, 2004


Here we go.

I'm not sure what I'm going to end up doing with this blog. I finally gave into the lure of the blog in part because I sometimes feel badly that I'm constantly taking -- by reading and enjoying other people's blogs -- without putting anything out there myself. On the other hand, I'm not sure how much I'll be comfortable putting out there, or if it will be worth the trouble. However it eventually turns out, it's probably going to take a while for the dust to settle around here since my time is pretty well over-committed until after the November election, so posting will be sporadic, at best, for a while.

Anyway, some of my favorite blogs are photo blogs, including one from a very talented ([dead link redacted]) friend and coworker who includes self-portraits on a regular basis. With that offering inspiration, here is my first real post, and with it, a self-portrait from last week's trip to New York City.


zephyrprince said...

see, thats perhaps where we differ in blog theory, my theory is that i find my life incredibly stimulating and awesomely interesting and thus if anyone else agrees, Im happy to share it with them

zephyrprince said...

although for clarity, the true purpose of my blog is so i can remember everything thats happened to me for my memoires one day

alcielj said...

I don't think I really have a blog theory yet. I read many blogs, but they're all very different from each other (some are photo, others are about politics, etc) and I'm not sure what mine will end up being—hopefully, the discovery process will be entertaining!

beepbeep said...

I look forward to reading your blog :)

alcielj said...

Thanks for the welcome! It's a whole new world here in blog-land...

smijer said...

Its fantastic to see you've joined the blogosphere. Many welcomes.

alcielj said...

Thanks for the welcome! How'd you find me so quickly? ;)