Friday, July 30, 2004

It's weird how things clump up in life. I had dinner at Sushi Nabe for the first time ever on Monday night (great food, superb service and wonderful dining companions). As usual, I had to get a box for my leftovers. Since I already had plans for lunch on Tuesday, it was Wednesday before I took my doggiebox to work with me. I had just put my lunch in the fridge at work when I sat down to check my email and discovered that ([outdated link redacted]) my company hosts the site and we'll be maintaining ([outdated link redacted])

(I know... it's sad that I'm just getting around to blogging about something that happened two days ago, but it's been a busy week, what with the convention and all!)


beepbeep said...

I'm looking forward to reading your blog often :)

When you have time, you may want to join some LJ communities. There are a lot of progressive ones I enjoy reading. One example is .



beepbeep said...

P.S. I thought the convention rocked!

alcielj said...

Thanks for the tip! I'll check out the angry hippy! ;)

I enjoyed the convention, too, although the coverage of it was pretty awful. I started out on CNN, but couldn't stand watching the Wolf Blitzer/Candy Whats-her-name reelection tag-team for very long! Thank Dog for Jon Stewart!!!