Sunday, August 1, 2004

It's Sunday and I'm not in church...

Why? Here's one reason.

I just don't understand the Catholic Church. I've tried. I was once a member. But I just can't wrap my head around this apparent alternate universe that the pope inhabits. We're still reeling from the news that the church aided and abetted men who were molesting and raping our children and the church follows that up with a message to women that despite anything else we might do, the bottom line is that we're still just a bunch of wombs???



beepbeep said...

I still go to Mass and/or pray the Rosary every now and then. But I can't get really involved in the Church because I disagree with too many positions it takes on topics such as birth control, abortion, women as priests, married people as priests, divorce, homosexuality and same-sex marriage...

and, as you pointed out, now there's this whole molestation cover-up thing to boot.

Not to mention astrology!

I'm unsettled by the knowledge that if the Pope knew about my beliefs I would be excommunicated :)

alcielj said...

It's so sad to watch what the Catholic Church is doing to itself. Hopefully the next pope will be able to finally drag the church out of the Dark Age.

alcielj said...

I think I know a few people over there at the UU, and I used to hang out with Dana every Wednesday noon for anti-war protests at Miller Park. I haven't met the current pastor, but his wife worked with my daughter on the Vagina Monologues in the spring.

You know, this really is a very small town for such a big city. ;)

smijer said...

Try the UU Church. I know at least one ex-catholic that goes there. And you might catch Shela or myself there if you show up on the right Sunday.

smijer said...

I don't guess I know Dana yet. I sure hope that Alice will show up in a couple of weeks so I won't feel like a stranger there....

You're right. This is a small town for us commie-pinkos... er.. uhhh... Democrats...

alcielj said...

Join the club—it's a big one. I find it hard to believe, though, that the Pope would excommunicate someone for believing in astrology when he hasn't excommunicated any of those child molesters. But perhaps his caregivers have added some crack to his daily medical regimen?

beepbeep said...

I remember reading something about his threatening Kerry with excommunication (for his position on abortion I belive). Guess child molestation is ok though.

alcielj said...

That Kerry thing was in the news a month or so ago, wasn't it? I don't think that was a pope thing so much as Karl Rove egging on some conservative bishop somewhere. The whole thing fizzled when even some conservatives started commenting that it was way out of line and smacked of desperation...

beepbeep said...

I respect this Pope's knowledge of languages...but the incredible conservatism is just a disaster.

beepbeep said...

Are there any Karl Rove Is The Antichrist buttons?