Thursday, September 2, 2004

Bonus photo!

While you're watching the convention coverage this evening, here are a few good places for discussion:
... and THIS is just freakin' kewl.
Do you have any suggestions for additions?


zephyrprince said...

today in my prezpolitics class we got really into looking at the maps of what areas gave to what parties and then the individual break down. My parents aparently give to nobody which is preferable to me over where the money would go if they were to do so

zephyrprince said...

most of signal and lookout appeared to be doing the same, gag me

alcielj said...

ooh! Where were you looking? Fundrace ( )? FEC info ( )? Open Secrets ( )?

My entire hometown is all in one zip code (14020), so it's especially easy to look up my former neighbors. My parents aren't listed, but my former orthodontist is still pumping all kinds of cash into republican causes! Ack!

zephyrprince said...

oh, and i was on opensecrets