Thursday, October 7, 2004

Nice boss

Today was iPod Day at work. Everyone got an engraved 20G iPod. No shit. Cool, huh? Mine's charging up as I type.


zephyrprince said...

thats so fucking cool, how much space does it have?

alcielj said...

So much that I may never plunge the depths

...or maybe enough so that Moburg's stuff can fit until she gets one...

Keera said...

AAC will save space

Congratulations and enjoy!
What's it engraved with? Mine reads "think big - shrink to fit". What else? ;-)

alcielj said...


Mine is engraved with my last name and then the company name and year. I got to pick the first line.

zephyrprince said...

wait, Im still wondering how much space it has...and she so totally needs one as do I, but Im afraid to buy one because they keep increasing the amount of space you can get on one and i dont want one thatll be out of date the second i get it which i know is dumb because it means ill probably never break down and do it but oh well...

alcielj said...

It's a 20GB iPod, so it'll be a while before I fill it up. So far, I've put 149 songs on it and of the 18.5 gig actual capacity, I still have 17.8 gigs available. Go ahead and get one as soon as the new ones come out and knock the price of the current models down—from what I hear, Apple may be overreaching on the next round of iPods:

Glad you're back! I hope Boston was a hoot!