Monday, December 13, 2004

37 Questions

(by way of Keera)
1. Name the last four things you have bought:
A desk, some frames, a replacement keyboard for an iBook, and a few things from here.

2. Name four drinks you regularly drink:
Beer, Rooibos tea, water, juice.

3. Last time you cried?
Last night, while watching a movie.

4. What's in your CD player?
Probably some jazz.

5. What's under your bed?
Same thing that's over my bed.

6. What time did you wake up today?
Around 8:30.

7. Current hair?
Same ol' mop.

8. Current clothes?
Sweats and a warm shirt -- it's cold today!

9. Current desktop picture?
This one.

10. Current worry?
Let's not go there.

11. Current hate?
Stores at this time of year.

12. Favorite places to be?
At the beach, at home.

13. Least favorite place?

14. If you could play an instrument?
I'd play the piano -- better than I can now.

15. Favorite color?

16. How tall are you?

17. Favorite expression?
A smile. ;)

18. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to:
My nephew.

19. Favorite day?

20. Where would you like to go?
This would be cool (It's the Cliffs of Moher in County Clare).

21. Where do you want to live when you get married?
Uh... with my husband?

22. Favorite food?

23. Color of most clothes you own:
They're not mostly anything.

24. Number of pillows you sleep with?

25. What do you wear when you go to sleep:
Depends on the time of year.

26. What were you doing 12AM last night:
Watching the end of a movie.

27. How old will you be in 10 yrs:
Ten years older, hopefully.

28. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years:
Having an adventure.

29. Do you have braces?
Nope. I did, for six years, when I was a teenager.

30. Are you paranoid?!

31. Do you burn or tan?

32. What is the brand of your wallet?
I don't have a wallet.

33. First piercing/tattoo?

34. First enemy?
I don't know of any.

35. Last person you yelled at?
Some talking head on the TV, probably.

36. Last crush?
My spouse.

37. Last thing you ate?
A half a grapefruit.

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