Thursday, December 16, 2004

Get'cher local news here!

For a great daily summary of progressive news with a frequent focus on Chattanooga, head over to Bailout and send a "subscribe" email to get yourself on the mailing list. The web site is still under construction, but the mailing list is fully functional. Check out a sample on the web site or in yesterday's post about Ford's visit.

And slightly off topic, but still related...

Yesterday, I mentioned two talented local bloggers, smijer and bailout (currently found at It occurs to me that both of them are people I first met at Dean meetups last year. Furthermore, the friends who went with me to the Ford event on Tuesday night are also people I met through the Dean meetups.

There are a number of conclusions one might draw from this observation, including the dreaded and boring "it's just a coincidence":
  1. Even during the political off-season, I hang around with a generally liberal bunch of people. Duh.
  2. People who went to Dean meeetups are smarter than the average joe. The only local smart political blogs that I know of come from Dean people. (Feel free to send me URLs for other local political blogs -- until I have evidence to the contrary, my point stands)

    And, most importantly...
  3. The Dean meetups were an awesome phenomenon that we were lucky to be part of. We lost the primary, but Dean himself and the relationships that were formed there go on.
UPDATE: John's also got a new blog.

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