Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Warm day!

I had lunch today with my friend Chris, who always gives me a lot to think about. We get together every month or so to talk politics. He's got a great head for policy and strategy -- one of these days, some campaign is going to snatch him away from us...

We ate at the Country Life Restaurant, which is on Market Street now -- one of the best places in Chattanooga for lunch. Even if you're a meat eater, this place is a keeper. There's not a dud on the menu.

And finally, after a lot of recent rain and cold weather, it was remarkably warm today, and the sun even came out a few times, so I enjoyed wandering around downtown a bit, looking for cool light and color...

1 comment:

beepbeep said...

Rainy and cold here, for once!

I actually liked the bad weather, being an odd duck :) Just made things like parking and driving difficult.

Love the picture!!!!!