Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Wonkette's back, xmas is dead and Coulter wallows

Whew. Wonkette is finally back from vacation, rehab, or wherever it is she goes.
We were stuck in the back country of New Hampshire for Christmas, cut off from civilization and decent liquor (no Blackberry and nothing but Gordon's gin...) so we had no idea that, apparently, the liberals succeeded in replacing Christmas with Kwanzaaukka, the official holiday of gay marriage. Conservative activist Paul Weyrich told the Washington Post that, in fact, "the campaign to eliminate Christmas from our society is well underway." Please let us know if the campaign is accepting donations or needs someone to phone bank for them.
I say we shouldn't get rid of Christmas completely, but just replace it with something that wouldn't be so appallingly embarassing if Jesus ever were to show up for his birthday party. We could start by getting rid of the frantic consumption, dead trees and mindless regurgitation of silly christian mythology and replace it with a serious effort to achieve the supposed goals of Jesus.
But back to Wonkette...
Meanwhile, Ann Coulter has shown herself to be a closet evangelist for the Christmas cause, and has used her website to send out a subtle appeal to those who practice a different faith:

        To The People Of Islam:
        Just think: If we'd invaded your countries, killed
        your leaders and converted you to Christianity
        Merry Christmas

We're thinking this is one reason to convert most Muslim's haven't thought of, but, ironically, "Because we want to give them Christmas gifts" was actually in the first draft of Colin Powell's UN presentation.
Ha. I checked Ann Coulter's web site, and she really did put that up there. Wow -- bitter hate and willful ignorance all at once! That's quite a combo.

1 comment:

Jamesgang said...

don't remember that martini being bigger than my whole noggin last summer - damn, they make 'um big in NYC!!