Monday, January 3, 2005

Housekeeping, with a little snarkiness on the side

If I were to say that slowly but surely I'm getting things up to speed around here, the emphasis would most definitely be on the "slowly" and not so much on the "surely". I'm still wading through the pivot templates and configuration files and trying to wrap my head around how they all relate to each other, but I'm apparently not quite seeing the full picture yet. I made some changes this evening but then had to roll them back when it turned out I broke everything, so things may stay as they are now for a while longer (unfortunately, I am going to have to return to my job at some point this week!).
So, while I try to find the time to continue tinkering with the layout, please let me know if you're having any major problems with the current configuration and I'll gladly see what I can do in the way of adjustments. (Unless, of course, you're using IE -- in which case I'll still try to fix things, but first I'll probably question your continued use of that bug-ridden, virus-infected, non-standards-compliant disaster of a browser that's good for nothing this side of crashing your system. And then, just for the hell of it, I might also ask you why you're not using a Mac. ;-))

1 comment:

DH said...

The blog looks good in NetCaptor for Windows, though a little odd in Avant browser for Windows - not much padding to the right in the blog entries, and the boxes on the right (everything below "Last Comments") intrude slightly into the blog entry area...