Friday, February 4, 2005

Friday Creature

Here's another photo from last Saturday's icy morning. This is either a purple finch or a house finch, waiting for his turn at the bird feeder.
If you want to avoid getting down to work for a little while longer, go oooh-and-aaah over the other animals at the Modulator's ark. The list of critters there gets quite long by the end of the weekend, so check back again on Monday, too!

UPDATE: once again, some great bird photos from Austin Country: a cardinal, two bluebirds, a goldfinch, and a flicker (???? it looks more like a red-bellied woodpecker to me)... (...and some deer ... aw screw it -- just bookmark the site and start going by every day like the rest of us! ;)).


fletch said...

Would you go for a red-bellied flicker? And how come its belly isn't red and its head is? A commenter made note of my error.
By the way, I'm a Chattanooga native and am thinking of moving back there. It's good to see the area well represented in the blogosphere.

alice said...

Yeah, I know you're from these parts. I'm a fan from back in the days of the Smoky Mountain Journal (I think South Knox Bubba first turned me onto your photography). I hope you make it back, if that's what you're aiming to do—in the meantime, I'm enjoying Austin...

Sravana said...

And I'm enjoying Austin, fletch. I live here (for now), and was delighted when Alice turned me on to your blog. I would vote for a house finch - that's what I thought it was when I saw it (they are permanent residents in SA, at least).
Flicker? Not with that bill, I think! :)

Sravana said...

Oops, I thought y'all were referring to the finch. My bad!