Thursday, February 21, 2008

But is it a story?

Well, as expected, the news today is pretty much all about John McCain and his friendly relationship with a lobbyist. Here's the story from the New York Times that started the media frenzy last night. The Washington Post followed up this morning. And the blogosphere has been going nuts...

Questions are being raised about the timing of the story, which has been floating around for months. Whether or not there was sex involved, this still appears to be a scandal that will dog a Senator who likes to run on supposed straight talk. In the meantime, McCain denied it all this morning (enh) while making a dangerous admission, former Romney staffers are frothing, and Huckabee is trying to leave the commentary to others. Oh, and here is Vicki Iseman's bio (which is no longer on her employer's web site).

Update: more here.


DSK said...

While I think the timing of the NYT story is suspect (apparently they were holding on to this story for a while?), I still think it's important (and damaging).

This "friend" was a lobbyist, and McCain was passing bills that directly benefited her and her cronies. *That* is the real story. Of course, this situation is by no means unique to McCain. All the more reason to get a President who is supported by common people rather than PACs, and who will take a fresh approach - the kind of person who can bring in even more reformers on his coatails in future elections.

Plus, this is yet another reason tacked on to the long list of why McCain cannot be trusted with power, be trusted to safeguard our civil rights, be trusted to regulate financial fraudsters, etc.

bill said...

This will likely do more to rally conservatives to McCain's defense -- because "they hate the NYT" -- than it will to damage McCain.

As an aside, I watch the Today Show every morning. (Don't ask, I don't know why.) And EVERY morning, the news leads with the latest in the Hillary vs. Obama fight before taking a passing (often much shorter, time-wise) glance at the Republican race. EXCEPT when a Republican screws up, that is. The McCain story led this morning. Network news is sad, transparent, and predictable.

June said...

I heard commentators saying today that it there had been an affair, it was eight years ago and shouldn't be drudged up. Too bad they didn't think the same way when it was Clinton's affairs. I agree that the real story is not if he had an affair, but if there was any inappropriate behavior with a lobbyist.

On another note, I see Belgrade has erupted. It'll be interesting to see what H & O say about it in tonight's debate.

davidm. said...

Bill, I watched Olbermann last night thinking the same thing. The first 5 minutes of his show, he kept reading the same points from the story over and over.

If the "liberal media" pounces on a story w/ no legs, Conservatives will rally around McCain.

smijer said...

What is this problem everybody has with hobbyists? I mean, I don't have time for any myself, but so what if somebody wants to have a hobby? Is that a sin against nature?

Bill said...

Ok...THAT'S funny...

sravana said...


John said...

I remember a time when the Media looked for the TRUTH and then reported on it... I guess that's the difference between "a time" and "The Times".