Thursday, February 14, 2008

Comparing Ads

Clinton and Obama have both released new commercials in Wisconsin. Hillary's was first, and Barack's followed up and responded to hers. Both ads follow after the jump so you can see for yourself, but clearly one is a lot slicker than the other.


Scott said...

Hmmm. After watching both, I'd have to say his is more effective. Especially after thinking about it for like 5 seconds...we've been innundated with debates! How can she think we don't know what both of them think about just about everything?! What surprises me is that her tactics feel so forced and his seem much more fluid. I'm sure the Clintons have more in their arsenal. I hope this doesn't get ugly.

sravana said...

I found hers more convincing, fwiw.

poopie said...

Much slicker...and with less dirty stuff.