Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day Off

Even though there's still plenty of news (especially for a Sunday), I think I need to take the day off from politics. I'm sure some of you are tired of it and I'm way tired and not quite ready for Monday yet.
I did have a good time at the auction with G-Dog this weekend, where we picked up a painting, a sofa bed and a cool box of hats (for Emmie). Getting the sofa up the stairs was quite the adventure but proved, once again, that we both have decent bone density (if I had any osteoporosis, I definitely would have snapped like a twig under the weight of that thing as we struggled to get it around the corner of the landing half-way up the stairs...). I hope you had a good weekend!


Lucy said...

So yesterday Ralph Nader declared he is getting in the race. Funny, I thought Howard Dean had him stuffed in a closet, wrapped in duct tape.

You take a day off from politics and see what happens?

alice said...


I'm sorry! I won't abandon my post again! ;-)

(btw, I didn't regard Ralph's announcement as news. He's not going to be a factor. He used to be influential, before his ego got the best of him, but at this point, he's old (older, even, than McCain), and maybe a little bit off his rocker...)