Friday, February 22, 2008

McCain: the Aftermath

Even if John McCain didn't diddle around with Vicki Iseman, it would seem that the NYTimes story still managed to dredge up some other issues that will be important in the general election. For example, McCain claims to be straight talker and an anti-lobbyist candidate, but he's been playing it fast and loose with the facts and is, in fact, in a bed full of lobbyists! And some of them are working for free!

And in other campaign news, it turns out that perhaps McCain is pressuring Obama to take public campaign financing because McCain has been caught gaming the system and might now be stuck with the public finance (after paying some hefty fines). Oops.

And then there's McCain's campaign co-chair, Rick Renzi, who was indicted today (it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!) for conspiracy, wire fraud, money laundering, extortion, insurance fraud, and criminal forfeiture. He will be stepping down from the McCain campaign.
It hasn't been the McCain campaign's best week. And it turns out he's not much of a conservationist either.

Ah, well. At least it's Friday!

UPDATE: and then there's McCain's Abramoff scandal...


sandy on signal said...

Vicki Iseman sure looks like a younger version of Cindy "Percocet" McCain. Iseman has an interesting resume: she graduated in elementary education then three months later is hired as a Washington lobbyist *cough, cough*.

Eight years later when she is 30, she is a partner in that firm *cough, cough* choke, choke, choke on a golf ball... excuse me. So for all of you corporate ladder climbers, please do like Vicki and major in elementary education.

Oh yeah, she also represented the telecoms which were granted immunity in the Senate but are still fighting the war in the Congress. Funny how the Senate went their way. Wonder how that happened? I am sure the straight talkin' mc cain has all the answers, my friends, my friends.

Jamison said...

McCain's staff planted this story with the New York Times to increase their fund raising and to unite the conservative base behind him. Remember the corporate media serves the GOP, never the American people anymore. McCain has managed to silence most of the most virulent right wing protagonists to his candidacy and turn their attention to the Democrats again. This is your standard over arching GOP plot, honest I've never met a conservative that gave a damn about family values, they only care about hate, it's all that motivates them and you just have to remind them of it.