Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday Links

If you're getting tired of politics, scroll down. Today I've got some non-politics links after the <hr>!

George W. Bush: he's "confident [the GOP will] hold the White House in 2008" and understands "the mentality of the American people." OTOH, he doesn't even know how much Americans are paying for gas. And has been lying to us about about the cost of his war.

John McCain (just like Bush, and the most anti-child!): keeps digging deeper when it comes to his attempts to game the campaign finance system (efforts which appear to be falling flat). In other news, is he even eligible to run?

Tennessee: One one hand, we're finally beating back the shameless partisans who would cynically use disingenuous attempts to amend our constitution to GOTV. On the other hand, our GOP is really making us look stupid -- just ask the RNC, John McCain, Lamar Alexander and Karl Rove, who are embarrassed by the TN GOP's bigotry. Fortunately, they were spanked quickly and soundly! Sorry, world. Please don't hold this against us. The latest news is here. UPDATE: and here.

Texas: early turnout is huge (why wait for results?).

Alabama: Don't even get me started.

Europe: were you planning a European vacation this summer? Maybe not so much?

Ratings: people are paying attention these days.

Autism and vaccinations: the US Government concedes there's a link (here's the doc). Will this news give fuel to the anti-vaccination community? And speaking of autism, the autistic community has been doing some networking online. Perhaps their efforts will help to counter the ignorance of so many people when it comes to autism.

Bees: they're still disappearing (or perhaps they're all headed to one particular attic in Florida).

Pools: when I was a kid, I was kinda scared of the deep ends of pools -- and maybe I still am because the picture on the right here made me feel a little dizzy-ish. It is a cool collection of images, though.

Billboards: AT&T + NSA!

Counting cash: How do you do it (video)?

Help at the pumps: do you ever have trouble remembering which side of the car has the gas tank (this can be especially tough with rental cars!)? Sometimes there's a clue in your dash.

Video: A History of Evil

And finally, if you just want to skip to the results of the 2008 Presidential Eleciton, here's your chance!

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