Thursday, March 13, 2008

312 Days...

Why we haven't impeached these jackasses is completely beyond me, but failing that, perhaps it's time to let this administration, and their lackeys in the press, know that we are not amused by their incompetence and corruption. Or, to put it another way:
In this clip, Keith plays us George W. Bush's latest massive self-embarrassment, singing a fucked up song about all the crap he's done wrong as President. He basically laughs about the destruction of a major city and the shredding of the constitution. It's not a howl.


June said...

312 days, 22 hours, and 7 minutes to be exact. My countdown clock is ticking away...not fast enough!

smijer said...

I hate to burst the bubble - but... I guess it's 311 days now... is just the countdown to the next chapter. With John McCain as POTUS, we may see an era where the rate of damage to the nation is slowed somewhat, but the direction will still be downhill.