Sunday, March 9, 2008

Breaking: Tucker Axed!


Is he heading for a game show? A video store? Jon's studio? Who cares! I want to know who's going to replace him!

UPDATE: more here and here.


Josiah said...

'bout time!

fletch said...

Now if they would can Morning Joe. Hate is really a hard thing to wake up to every morning. It's painful trying to watch these conservatives pretend to be normal human beings.

June said...

I hadn't a clue that Tucker was going - glad to hear it. As for Fletch's comment about Morning Joe, I actually don't find him to be totally in lock step. I thought so at first, but discovered during his PM show that he was very critical of Bush: the war and Katrina especially. Yes, he's a conservative Republican, but I don't find him hateful a la O'Reilly and Hannity and I've found him to be a good opposition voice to listen to. I'm less fond of his AM show because it's just too much chatter and too, he has a regular on that I do find offensive.

fletch said...

Ya June I was probably a little too harsh on Joe. He started singing a different tune after Katrina, but I think he changed more for ratings than a change of mind and heart.

davidm. said...

My problems with Tucker never stemmed from his GOP ass kissing, but more from his lack of professionalism. He doesn't earn the jobs he's had. I'll be interested to see who they replace him with.

BTW, Morning Joe is the best TV morning news show on right now. Click over to Fox & Friends and you'll appreciate him a whole lot more.

Bill said...

Quick poll: Of the four above commenters (and Alice), how many of you actually watch Tucker on a regular basis? I'm only asking because I don't watch him, and, as a result, don't really care if he stays or goes.

Also, do any of you actually watch the aforementioned shows you don't like on a regular basis -- simply to have more reasons not to like them or the viewpoints they may give a fair shake to?

I would hope not. Life is too short.

alice said...

Bill, some afternoons I work at home, and I often keep MSNBC on in the background. When Tucker comes on, I sometimes try to tough it out. More often, I turn off the TV -- his shrill whining and feigned stupidity are a very poor substitute for journalism.

I'd love to see a genuine, thoughtful journalist in that time slot. (And, now that I think about it, I'd like to see someone in the 5pm slot, too, with Hardball running just once, at 7pm, instead of repeating it.)

davidm. said...

I watch all of the shows mentioned because I have no life.

sravana said...

BREAKING: Elliot Spitzer implicated in prostitution ring!!

Yikes! So much for schadenfreude - hard when it's one of the good (?) guys.

alice said...

I don't know if he is one of the good guys. From what I hear, he's kind of a dick.

alice said...

Just one more note about the MSNBC lineup... I also find Joe hard to take at times, but I do think his morning show is an improvement over the evening fare. But a lot of that might be due to his co-host, Mika, who is a hell of a better journalist than Joe will ever be.