Thursday, March 6, 2008

Digging into the Archives

Joe tagged me with this Best-Of meme. It's taken me a little while to dig around in the archives (one thing I've learned from this exercise is that I need more categories for my posts, and I do intend to go back and add some when I have a chance. It'll make browsing a little easier), but I did come up with some stuff. But first, the rules:
** Post about the meme and link back to the person who tagged you.
** Go back to your archives and link to your five favorite posts.
•Link One: must be about family
•Link Two: must be about friends
•Link Three: must be about yourself
•Link Four: must be about something you love
•Link Five: can be anything you choose
** Tag five other people (at least two must be new acquaintances so that you can get to know them better).
Anyway, here we go:

1) Family: This is a tough one, because I've done some cool posts about family gatherings and events. But Great Women is perhaps my favorite, because it is interesting in many ways, even if you don't know the players.

2) Friends: Chattanooga is a Very Small Town (and the story from a few days earlier) shows that an evening with friends can reveal some interesting coincidences.

3) Me: Except for relating some of my activities, I don't post about myself (the personal stuff) much. This isn't a diary that I keep under my mattress. It's a public blog, and anyone can read it. But I do occasionally open up a bit, and I was never so exposed as I was on the day my mother died, and in the weeks that followed. And in response, so many people reached out and offered me real comfort, that I realized that even without full disclosure, this blog was not quite as impersonal as I thought it was.

4) Something I Love: I love soup (and food porn!) and I post about it a lot! :-D

5) Anything I Want: So many possibilities here, but I think I'll go with the time my blog briefly played in the big leagues. My hit counter was spinning like a slot machine for a few days after AmericaBlog linked to my The Happiest Place on Earth? post (for context, go here, here, and/or here).

And here are my tags: Chris in Oxford, June at Spatter, Keera, Big Stupid Tommy and Poopie (and, of course, anyone else who wants to play along!).


sravana said...

OMG the happiest place on earth! How in heaven's name did I miss that post! You KILLED me, Alice!

High 5s all around..

Chris in Oxford said...

Thanks, Alice. I was at a loss for what to write about today! You've given me an excuse to go for the re-runs. Currently enjoying yours!

Keera said...

Thanks for tagging me, but I'm not sure I want to or can play. I can give you a list, but let's just say that this meme kind of misses the mark for me and my blog. After all, my whole blog is about the subject in Link 3. :-)