Thursday, March 6, 2008

Drinking through the election

If I had to take a drink every time McCain says "my friends," and Clinton says "you know," and Obama says a long drawn out "uhhhh," I think I'd have to get my stomach pumped just about every night.

If the voters cast their ballots based on which of these disfluencies is least annoying, who would win?

Don't laugh -- think about it... how many of you have to mute the TV when W makes an appearance because his numerous speech problems have become so tiresome? Maybe these candidates should have to submit to a speech test... everybody, now: noo-klee-er!)


sravana said...

Surprisingly, I find McCain's "my friends" the least bothersome. "You know" sounds like a teenager, as does "Uhhhhh". If you don't know what to say, just stop talking!

Ummmm, that's all I can think of right now, you know, whatever...

sandy on signal said...

and Edward's line of "son of a millworker" was a drinking game played during the live blogging of the debates. The millworker word could make one crocked before the second question was asked of Edwards.

June said...

You're so right...all three have their verbal "tics", but all of them are light years better than what we've had to endure with Bush! As if his butchering of English and his facial mannerisms weren't he's taken to dancing. UGH! I'm so so so embarrassed, et al. Don't you wonder if he's not starting drinking again?

alice said...

June, the foreign press is CONVINCED that he's drinking again! ;-D

DSK said...

I'd say the "my friends" is the most annoying one to me. It gives me that vibe you get when you're at a chain sitdown restaurant where the server's been trained to squat next to you and/or put their hand on your shoulder while taking your order.

Obama's "uhs" mainly sound like he's actually thinking carefully, and Clinton's "you know" is probably one of her more humanizing mannerisms.

Buck said...

I am kind of a fan of the long drawn out "uhhhh".

That is the sound a mind makes when it is thinking. I have nothing against thinking.

Of course I have nothing against drinking games either!