Thursday, March 27, 2008

Feel the Fork!

I read that over on Ice Station Tango a few days ago and it gave me a good chuckle -- I like a good turn of phrase. I wasn't going to repeat it here because it was part of an anti-Hillary post, and after I spoke my piece last week, I figured I'd lay off the divisive politics for a while. The whole campaign has gotten a bit tiresome, so I was doing my best to ignore it.

But I just saw a clip on MSNBC of Hillary on Fox"News" telling Greta Van Susteren that she is willing to take her now quixotic quest all the way to the convention and if the only way she can steal victory is through the credentials committee, then so be it. Basically, she said that winning is more important to her than a Democratic victory in November. Winning is more important to her than saving the Supreme Court. Winning is more important to her than fixing the Bush/McCain economy. Winning is more important to her than all those poor soldiers dying in Iraq. Winning is more important to her than all the veterans who aren't being properly cared for. Winning is more important to her than increasing the Democratic majority. And so on.

I've finally reached the point where I just want Hillary to go away. She and Bill and Chelsea and (especially) their staffers and surrogates (Judas, indeed? Threatening the Speaker? Oh, please, have some pride!) give me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. So, I won't remain quiet anymore. If Hillary's going to play Tonya, I won't sit quietly.

I've already gone on the record with my thoughts about Clinton's disingenuous fight to seat Florida and Michigan delegates. Before those delegates became critical in her attempt to overturn the will of the voters, you sure didn't hear her making any noise about seating those delegates. She sure as shit wasn't complaining when she agreed, with the rest of the candidates, to the national party's position on those state primaries. Her crocodile tears at this point don't impress me. And since Bill Clinton says they like this stuff, this ought to make him very happy (giddy-up, Bill!):
The fucking gloves are off now. I'm through giving the Clinton campaign the benefit of the doubt. I hope all Democrats who love what this party is supposed to stand for will join me in helping Hillary to feel the fork. We love[d] her, but she's done.

Is 'Sniper-Gate' Hillary's Dukakis Moment?
As the week has progressed, her campaign's increasingly ham-handed attempts at damage control only succeeded in amplifying the issue, until finally, they were left with a horrible excuse about being tired, made worse when juxtaposed with the now-infamous 3 a.m. ad.

Another UPDATE: Nora gets at how I'm feeling pretty well.


June said...

Yup...sadly and angrily, I feel the same way. And what's really amazing (and shocking)is that I find myself saying the same things about her that the Republican Right says.

Yesterday's news cycle had her finally criticizing McCain and even giving Obama a back handed compliment. I wonder what's up. I don't trust it to last, but a girl can hope, can't she!

DSK said...

The Clintons never give up. Hillary won't stop before the convention. Hell, she'll probably *sue* to try to stop the convention unless she gets delegates seated the way she wants them.

Something to consider, especially if you are an Al Gore fan (and in the interest of disclosure, please note that I have never been a Clinton fan, and I'm lukewarm on Al Gore):

If Bill Clinton had resigned after the House impeached him and before his trial, Al Gore would have been president for a little over a year. He might then have won the 2000 election (which he almost won anyway), and might gone on to win a second term. We'd now be finishing up the final year of nine years of President Al Gore.

All if only a Clinton had known when to stop fighting.