Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Let's get something straight

Not everyone who doesn't support Hillary Clinton for president is a misogynist.

If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, I will vote for her (if for no other reason than to save the Supreme Court), but in the primary, she's not my candidate. I think she is a very impressive woman. Until recently, I really liked her. But please don't tell me that I'm misogynist because I don't support her candidacy.

There are plenty of things that bother me about Hillary Clinton -- and none of them have anything to do with her gender. I'd love to support a woman for president, and I hope that one day I'll get to cast my vote so that we can put a woman in the Oval Office. But this is not the right woman. And to vote for her simply because she is a woman would be just as wrong as NOT supporting her just because she is a woman.

I just can't do it. I can't support a disingenuous, calculating woman who puts her own ambition above the well-being of her party, potentially at the expense of a victory in November. And she would have us believe being First Lady is good training for being President? Really, Hill? Would you vote for Laura Bush?!? Really?

I can't bring myself to support a woman who criticizes her opponent for his relationship with people who have been helping to finance her campaign and holds herself to a different standard than she holds others; a woman who is crappy manager, a woman who, I'm surprised to discover, would sneer at me because I am a proud liberal.

I'm tired of the race-baiting, the old politics, the triangulation, the political calculation, the playing it both ways, and all the other stuff that made the often great years of the Clinton administration frustrating. I don't want to go back there. I think we can achieve the good stuff without bringing back all those ugly patterns.

But the bottom line is this: I'm afraid she may have become the very thing she used to rail against. And I don't think that makes me a lousy feminist, so I'll go ahead hang onto my feminista card thank you, because honestly, I don't think any of these Clinton traits have anything to do with vaginas or penises.


Chris in Oxford said...

Yeah, the Clinton supporters are quick to call folks that aren't into Clinton misogynists. I'm pretty sure they would take umbrage at being called racist for not supporting Obama.

I agree about the calculation and triangulation. I am really beginning to fear, however, that the Clintons are going to pull this one out. The press is starting to turn on Obama. I'm almost certain that it's going to get really mucky.

davidm. said...

If by some miracle, the Superdelegates overturn the will of voters and choose Clinton as the Dem. nominee, I will gladly mark R all the way down the ballot.

And I'm not joking, cause that is one F'ed up scenario.

alice said...

I would not go that far, if only for the supreme court, but I would certainly sever my ties to the Democratic party... I mean, what would be the point of any continued effort... ?

I would also caution the Democratic Party to be very cautious in their attempts to fashion a "solution" to the delegate mess they created in Florida and Michigan. The shit could really start flying there.

sravana said...

You know, this is almost enough to get me to believe the InfoWars/PrisonPlanet dude (forget his name), who believes that it's all part of an impending police state (which will come when the recession turns into a depression, or Al Q bombs a US city, take your choice) and the New World Order that the Trilateral commission and the Bilderburgers are foisting on us all... and they are the ones who decide who gets to be Prez. (see: the last two stolen Bush elections). Obama coming out of nowhere to take the Dem nomination (in a year when, face it, it's impossible to steal it from the Dems), call him what you will, but he's certainly not *their* guy - who better than the "Internationale" couple - those capitalist/corporate whoremongers than the Clintons - (Clinton part deux: the Nightmare Continues) - to continue their nefarious plans.

Yes, it's a conspiracy theory. It's also one which, unfortunately works - and also unfortunately: reduces us all to mere victims until we buy our very own assault rifles or at least a Colt .45.

sravana said...

Not that I was urging anyone to buy assault rifles (hi there, Mr. National Security dude who's reading this). I would never have one, speaking for myself. I'd probably shoot the dog by mistake, and that would just about kill ME.

DSK said...

The Infowars guy is Alex Jones, based out of Austin.

sravana said...

Oh yeah, thanks DSK. I found out about him when I was living there. I listened to his radio show for grins, until he started making sense. Oooga Booga!

June said...

I agree completely. I fully intended to support Hillary, but she has pushed me away. It's time for a new paradigm.