Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Add my voice to the "Bredesen Blew It" Chorus

As you might have already predicted, like Liz, Sean and Michael, I was seriously displeased to find Phil Bredesen making kissy face with the liquor lobby.

Boo, Phil. Disappointing is becoming a real habit for you.
Meanwhile, while you're shirking your unique responsibility to these pressing issues at home, you seem to have plenty of time on your hands for things that you have virtually no chance to affect, as you've spent much of the past two weeks being interviewed by national blow-dried TV pukes discussing your idea for a Democratic superdelegate convention. You're a smart and overwhelmingly popular governor with nothing to lose, and yet you're playing it safe. Or you just don't care.
Yeah. You're not exactly vice-presidential material, Phil.

1 comment:

poopie said...

Ayep. Not much love lost with him on my part.