Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I saw this recently on both Keera's and Sravana's blogs. I've had it sitting in drafts for days (I'm finally finishing it because the place where I get my car serviced has wi-fi!).
  1. What was the last blog you left a comment on?
    Chris Dellavedova's.
  2. Favorite black and white movie?
    To Kill a Mockingbird.
  3. What's in your freezer right now?
    Tons of stuff -- bagels, bread, shrimp, fish, poultry, tenderloin, hot peppers, ice, and more. I really should clean it out -- both it and the fridge are bulging since Emmie started moving her stuff back home for the summer.
  4. How many pillows do you have on your bed?
    Four. Two for each of us.
  5. Do you regularly share your bed with anyone?
    Yes. G-Dog keeps me company most nights.
  6. Do you sleep in pajamas, undies, nude, or other?
    I sleep just as I was when I came into this world.
  7. If you won $50,000, what would you do with it?
    That's a tough one. I think I could burn through $50,000 pretty quickly, doing a lot of different things -- get a scooter, put some solar panels on the roof, build a spare room... stuff like that.
  8. Something nice you did for someone today?
    I haven't had time to do much yet. So far, I've just been sitting here at the car dealership.
  9. Something bad you did to someone today?
    See above.
  10. Hardest class you took in school?
    Calculus II. I was fine until they took away the numbers.
  11. Ever been in a car accident?
    Little ones.
  12. What is one food you won't eat?
    Caraway seeds.
  13. Why?
    Blech. They just taste bad.
  14. Would you ever eat dog meat?
    Not knowingly.
  15. What is something as a child you wanted to grow up to become, but didn't?
    An oceanographer.
  16. Name one place in the US you haven't seen but want to?
  17. Name one place outside the US?
  18. Favorite smells?
    Boxwood, salt air, cooking.
  19. If you could pick any game show to compete on, which would it be?
    I honestly don't know any game shows. Is Jeopardy still on? I used to watch that with my brother. I could give that a try, though I'd probably get my butt whipped.
  20. Where did you go on your last real vacation and who did you go with?
    What's a "real" vacation? The last time I went somewhere just for the heck of it was a ski trip I took in 1986. Since then, there has always been some kind of outside impetus behind my travels.
  21. Your best birthday was for which age?
    Hrmmm... I guess they've all been pretty good.


poopie said...

May have to borrow this one from you ;)

gid said...

I really love the smell of Boxwood. The funny thing is that you just have to be at the right place at the right time to smell it. In my experience every time I try to get my nose next to a boxwood I can't smell it.

sravana said...

Ooh Ooh Ooh!

You're going to *love* Chicago!

It's one of my fav places, for years.