Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oh, the Unbelievably Hypocritical Littlefield Sleaze!

Get the details here, here and here.
Today's Times Free Press features a well-researched expose of Worst Mayor Ever Ron Littlefield's unbelievably corrupt back-room deal that gave his long-time buddy Dale Mabee the keys to City Hall, and apparently the city coffers as well. The highlights from the newspaper read like a subpeona[...]
Ugh. Could there possibly be a Worst Mayor Ever?!? So, are all you citizens listening? Have you called your city council members yet? Get busy, people...
For the record, hiring auditors to look into those who use the public's funds is a good thing. But the city charter dictates that they report to the City Council, not the mayor. The City Council controls all the money, so why would you have the people who check the books report to the person whose books they are checking? So you can control what they look at and report, obviously. This reporting structure has been wrong for a while, it just took someone of Littlefield's (lack of) character to misuse it.

It's time for the City Council to look into all of this. It's time for the City Council to bring the auditors under their purview. And it's almost time for a serious candidate to step up and declare that this kind of thing is going to stop.

1 comment:

bt said...

Why isn't there more outrage at this? This is criminal that schools are sufferring and we are giving money to political hacks.