Wednesday, April 30, 2008

She's baaa-ack!

June Griffin is running for Congress again!
"I will add one more determination and resolve if I could be elected. I will move against the IRS to install a section of the IRS Code to include the following provision:

"In the case of all married couples, the amount of money the husband would pay in federal taxes will go directly to the wife. Those filling out their 1040s will merely include a receipt where he paid his wife the amount of taxes that would go to Washington. This will end 50% of the divorces.

"Where the wife is the sole support, the reverse will be true. Why should we support others' wives?

"Elected officials have abandoned their sworn oath before God to uphold the Constitution as interpreted by the ordinances the forefathers instituted. This I will do, so help me, God."
Who is June Griffin? Here are a few links with more info:


Keera said...

Oh. My.

I'm curious about the tax proposal (wouldn't it be fun to try?) but the way she talks about that commie Michael King set the alarms off. Takes a real hard-hearted nutcase to talk like that.

You folks in Tennessee sure cough up some weirdos!

davidm. said...

She's got my vote.

Buck said...

The holiness of the American flag?
