Sunday, April 27, 2008

Twelve Answers... Questions No One Is Bothering to Ask About Iraq:
1. Yes, the war has morphed into the U.S. military's worst Iraq nightmare.

2. No, there was never an exit strategy from Iraq because the Bush administration never intended to leave - and still doesn't.

3. Yes, the United States is still occupying Iraq (just not particularly effectively).

4. Yes, the war was about oil.

5. No, our new embassy in Baghdad is not an "embassy."

6. No, the Iraqi government is not a government.

7. No, the surge is not over.

8. No, the Iraqi army will never "stand up."

9. No, the U.S. military does not stand between Iraq and fragmentation.

10. No, the U.S. military does not stand between Iraq and civil war.

11. No, al-Qaeda will not control Iraq if we leave (and neither will Iran).

12. Yes, some Americans were right about Iraq from the beginning (and not the pundits either).

1 comment:

Keera said...

Sad answers, really.