Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday Creature

There's been a battle going on this spring in this one spot under my neighbor's eaves. Apparently, the squirrel beat out the bird, and he loves to hang out and stare down anyone who might get any ideas about hanging out in his digs. He even gave me the evil eye while I was taking his picture.

Sorry about the late posting today -- I've been playing with my new MacBook! Have a great weekend, folks, and as always, remember to check in with the Ark!


fletch said...

mmmm..we need to see some food porn starring this little critter. ok sorry. Lemme know how the MacBook goes. I want one but 'fraid to make the switch from Windows; I'd have to buy Photoshop again, and what about Word, Excel docs? Have a great weekend.

sravana said...

I *love* the way he's got his little hands curled up, just watching your every move. He should be on cuteoverload (or lolcats - "ceiling squirrel is watching you eat" or some such)

re: MacBook - congrats! :D Nothing like a new time-waster, eh?

re: Fletch - I know - I think I'm pretty wedded to the PC, and I don't even use Photoshop. Switching looks like a lot of bother to me!

Keera said...

I've seen squirrels look eviler. This one just looks very well-fed and a bit pleased with himself. Which may explain why he held still long enough for you to get this good shot. :-)

Congrats on the new MacBook! You finally got yourself a new toy! Yay!

Fletch: NeoOffice, freeware for the Mac, will take care of all your Office needs, as will Apple's own Pages (not free). Can't help you re Photoshop, though the current flavor of iPhoto (included with new Macs) is pretty powerful. I use PS Elements mainly for straightening photos and SFX. Eager photographers on Macs tend to get Aperture. Apple has a page for switchers. I'm sure you've already checked it out.

Sravana, how about "Ceiling Cat. Now in disguise." :-D

Steve said...

I remember seeing that gapping hole in your neighbor's roof and thinking "I wonder what kind of animal lives there?"