Monday, May 12, 2008

On the Road...

It's that time again. Only once a year do I really disconnect for a little while -- no internet, no phone, just me, the dear ones, a few friends and whatever landscapes, seascapes and cityscapes we can find to explore. I'm out of here first thing in the morning. I'll have some photos and stories when I get back. Be good and safe and happy in the meantime!

ps. Let's see if this primary business can be settled by the time I get home, ok? Please?!? I beg you!

Have fun watching the West Virginia returns without me! I'll try to pick up a paper somewhere to see the results...


fletch said...

Sometimes I think life would be better all the time unplugged. I think of the 60s cultural revolution..they only had a few TV channels, no internet, even FM radio was new, yet look at what that generation did. Anyway, enjoy your time away to the max.

Chris in Happy Valley said...

I'm thinking that you knew what was going to happen before you left. It goes on. And on.

Enjoy your time off the grid!

alice said...

I went completely unplugged -- no email, no newspapers, no TV. I heard a few tidbits here and there, but was amazed to get home, ten days later, and find people still talking about the same stories: gas prices, the Chinese earthquake, the Myanmar Cyclone, the Democratic primary (sigh!)... it's a sad state of affairs.

And thanks, I did enjoy it all. It was a good break.