Saturday, May 24, 2008

Turkey Travelogue: Delta sucks

Before I get started on the fun stuff, I want to get this part out of the way.

The short version is this: Delta Airlines is horrible. It really sucks. Our experience with them was, at best, extremely frustrating. Next time you're flying, if it is possible to use another airline, by all means, do so, even if it costs a bit more. I'll certainly do my best to avoid Delta in the future. They ruined the first day of our trip, getting us to our destination 9 hours overdue, cost us a huge chunk of change by causing us to miss our Turkish Airlines connection, and then also failed to get us home on time at the end of our trip. If you'd like to read all the gory details, go ahead and click through the jump...

[To be clear, the problem with Delta isn't the good people who work for the airline -- the agents and stewards and pilots who do get us to where we're going (though some of them are understandably surly). It's the management and bloat at the top of the corporation that has reduced this once proud fleet to a bunch of old, rickety rattletraps with flaky indicators, broken toilets and a hopeless inability to meet a schedule, even in fine weather. No matter the amount he makes, Delta's CEO, Richard Anderson, is ridiculously overpaid.]

DateLocal timeElapsed timeIntended ItineraryEffective ItineraryNotes
8:00am00h 00mdepart Chattanooga by coach
10:00am02h 00marrive Atlanta airport
12:30pm04h 30mboard Delta flight #0134
12:45pm04h 45mDelta flight #0134 departs for New York (JFK)No such luck!
03:00pm07h 00mDelta flight #0134 departs for New York (JFK)Two and a quarter hour departure delay is "to check an indicator light" for the first hour, and then because they needed "to find three wing walkers to drag us out" of the gate. Clearly, they need more wing walkers in Atlanta.
03:35pm07h 35mDelta flight #0134 arrives in New York (JFK)
04:30pm08h 30mDelta flight #0072 departs for Istanbul(The flight we're supposed to take to Turkey.)
05:00pm09h 00mDelta flight #0134 arrives in New York (JFK)We arrive to discover that our connecting flight to Istanbul has only just departed, after waiting a half an hour for us. We're told Delta intends to reroute us through Milan.
07:00pm11h 00mboard Delta flight #160 for Milan, which is supposed to depart at 7:15pm
07:45pm11h 45mAfter sitting on the runway for 45 minutes, we head back to the terminal for "a computer software update."
08:00pm12h 00mWe're back at the gate and are told that it will be "just a half an hour" before we leave.
08:30pm12h 30mNo word on our departure, but we're told that the software upgrade is because the Milan airspace routes have been changed.
09:12pm13h 12mDelta flight #160 finally departs for MilanThe last time we had anything to eat was at 11am, when we grabbed an early lunch at the Atlanta airport.
10:05pm14h 05mFood finally makes it to our part of the plane. BTW, in the back of the plane, there is only one working bathroom and in the midsection of the plane, one of the bathrooms has a broken toilet seat. Also, several passengers report that the first five channels of music do not work.
09:55am18h 55mDelta flight #0072 arrives in Istanbul(flight duration of 10 hours, 25 minutes)
11:20am21h 20mDelta flight #160 arrives in Milan(5:20am eastern time)
01:00pm22h 00mTurkish Airlines flight #324 departs IstanbulWe had to pay a substantial penalty when we had to reschedule after missing this reserved flight.
02:00pm23h 00mTurkish Airlines flight #324 arrives in İzmir(7:00am eastern time)
02:15pm24h 15mAlitalia flight #706 departs for IstanbulThat's our first on-time, as-scheduled departure. Of course, we're no longer with Delta Airlines -- we've been switched to an Italian airline.
06:15pm27h 15mAlitalia flight #706 arrives in IstanbulThe Italian airline scores an on-time arrival.
10:00pm31h 00mTurkish Airlines flight #0344 departs for İzmirThe Turkish airline departs on-time. Also, during the one-hour flight, they managed to serve us a complete meal consisting of a sandwich, a beverage and a chocolate mousse.
11:00pm32h 00mTurkish Airlines flight #0344 arrives in İzmirA coach gets us to our hotel within the hour, making the total length of our journey a little less than 33 hours, quite a bit longer than the 23-24-hour journey we had scheduled.
Just a note here: our arrival time in İzmir was supposed to be 2 in the afternoon, but we didn't actually make it there until close to midnight. We had planned to use that time to explore İzmir a bit, as our time was fairly well scheduled for the rest of our stay there. This is time we couldn't make up elsewhere in our itinerary. It was simply lost to us.
10:30am00h 00mTurkish Airlines flight #315 departs, on time, for Istanbul
11:30am01h 00mTurkish Airlines flight #315 arrives, on time, in Istanbul
Turkish Airlines was an amazing, effecient outfit. The staff kept very busy and managed to serve meals on one-hour flights. Delta often struggles to serve water in that amount of time (of course, Delta is hobbled by their attempts to sell "premium" snacks and drinks, which slows down the whole process quite a bit).
9:00am00h 00mdepart hotel by coach
9:30am00h 30marrive at the Istanbul airport
11:30am02h 30mboard Delta flight #0073 for New York (JFK)
12:45pm03h 45mDelta flight #0073 departs for New York (JFK)This is the only Delta flight of our trip that departs on time. In the back of the plane, one of the bathrooms is taped closed and labeled "defective," and it looks like a long-term closure. At 2:00, they start a movie, but a whole section of the plane has no sound to go with the movie. At 2:15, they start the movie over, but some people still don't have sound. The person sitting in front of me cannot turn off the light above her seat -- it is stuck on. Another person reports that the entire back of the plane smells like urine. I take her word for it and avoid the back of the plane for the rest of the trip.
4:00pm14h 00mDelta flight #0073 arrives in New York (JFK)(11pm Istanbul time)
4:45pm14h 45mOur flight docks at the gate after sitting on the runway for 45 minutes. The pilot points out that this is an "early" arrival, since we were scheduled to arrive at 4:50pm.
6:10pm16h 10mboard Delta flight #0137, which is supposed to depart at at 6:40pmUpon boarding, the pilot tells us that we'll have to sit on the plane for 45 minutes before departing. He does not provide a reason. There is no air on the plane. It is hot, stuffy, and we're not allowed out of our seats while we're waiting to leave. No bathroom. No food. No water.
6:55pm16h 55mThe pilot announces that we'll be delaying our departure to wait for 20 connecting passengers from an international flight. The irony is not lost on our group, which was abandoned when our connecting flight was late arriving in New York last week. We also note that there are nowhere near 20 seats available on our plane for connecting passengers. The plane is already completely full. In the end, no new passengers get on the plane.
7:00pm17h 00mThe AC goes off for 5 minutes. It gets hotter and stuffier. Then the music playing over the PA gets stuck and starts to play the same noise over and over and over again. It's like they're really making an effort to actually torture us.
7:07pm17h 07mThey make us sit down, buckle in and turn off electronic devices. The passenger in the row ahead of mine discovers that the floor under her seat is very wet. She points this out to the steward and he (in a rather irritated fashion) says he has no idea why that might be and all he can do is get her a blanket.
7:09pm17h 09mThey say they are working on the "audio problem" (the music is still stuck on repeating that one noise) and would everyone please turn off their call buttons? The music finally goes off a few moments later.
7:24pm17h 24mWe start to move away from the gate. Movement is brief and we stop again.
7:28pm17h 28mWe start to move again, and again, it is brief. We stop.
7:34pm17h 34mWe start to move again, and again, it is brief. We stop.
7:37pm17h 37mWe enjoy a few moments of sustained taxiing.
7:40pm17h 40mOne hour past our scheduled departure time, the pilot says there are 30 planes in line ahead of us, so we'll probably be late arriving in Atlanta. The video screen comes on and G-Dog figures he might as well watch a movie. He selects one and it asks for a credit card number for paying a fee. It costs $6 to watch a movie on a freakin' 5x4 inch screen? You have got to be kidding. G-Dog mutters something about how even crappy hotels give you HBO for free and turns off his screen. I attempt to tune in CNN, but instead get a seemingly endless DISH network commercial.
8:10pm18h 10mThe pilot says we are now #15 in line and it will be another 20 minutes. We've been on the plane for two hours at this point, and we're still sitting at JFK airport. Two hours sitting on the tarmac. No food, no water, no bathroom, no standing, and there's still no air -- two hours, for the third time in a week. I'd cry, but I think I'm too dehydrated.
8:15pm18h 15mThe pilot says there are five planes ahead of us. The steward walks by and I ask him when can we have some water. He tells me it will be 20 minutes after takeoff.
8:32pm18h 32mDelta flight #0137 departs New York (JFK)(3:32pm Istanbul time)
9:19pm19h 19mA stewardess announces that they will have premium snacks and beverages for sale soon. On neither flight today have there been magazines, safety instructions cards or air sickness bags in the pocket in the seat in front of me (or anywhere in my row, for that matter). I am reminded of this because it is 9:19 and if I don't get some water soon, I think I may be sick.
9:28pm19h 28mA stewardess chucks 12 grams of peanuts at me. I suppose I should be grateful, but what I really, really, really want is some water.
9:31pm19h 31mDelta flight #0137 is supposed to arrive in Atlanta(4:31am Istanbul time)
9:35pm19h 35mI finally get some water, 3 hours and 20 minutes after first being trapped inside this metal tube. Prisoners get better treatment than this. Now that I've had some water, I turn my attention again to the entertainment device on the back of the seat in front of me. The CNN channel is still playing the same DISH network commercial, so I try the "games" option. I'm told that it costs $6 to play anything other than an in-flight trivia game. I'm really glad I brought a book.
10:17pm20h 17mDelta flight #0137 arrives in Atlanta(5:17am Istanbul time)
10:57pm20h 57mdepart Atlanta by coach(5:57am Istanbul time)
01:00am23h 00marrive in Chattanooga(8:00am Istanbul time)


sravana said...

Holy moley.

That is one hell of a trip. Thanks for the scoop on Delta - since I live in TX I have no real reason to ever use them, and now I'll make sure that I don't.

As an aside, that's why I *always* bring water with me, but if I had *I'd* probably have made that puddle on the plane!

Keera said...

Yegads! What incompetency! I'm especially horrified that Delta would do an intercontinental flight without all bathrooms working properly, or with so many other things not functioning well. 10 hours is a long time to be in a cramped metal cigar, and intercontinentals generally always have full planes so you need all the working bathrooms you can get.

So sorry your trip and your first afternoon in Turkey started out so badly. Are you guys going to demand a refund and reimbursement? Of course you are.

We enjoy a few moments of sustained taxiing. LOL!

Sravana, you can't take water on board with you unless you stop and buy some after going through security (and it looks like that's what all US travelers need to do from now on). I bring an empty bottle and fill it up on the plane, but if I'm not allowed to leave my seat, that plan fails. I understand the "wisdom" of not letting people drink when they can't use the toilets, though.

alice said...

We had water with us that morning, but figured it wouldn't be allowed, so we polished it off before we went through the security screen at the entrance to the Istanbul airport. We bought some more water in the terminal, but then there was an additional security screening at the gate, and they confiscated the water there. After that, we didn't see the point in trying to have our own water and had to rely on the airline to provide us with enough. Of course, that strategy would have worked if the airline was capable of following a schedule.

smijer said...

Glad you are back. Sorry to hear about your travelling travails. I hope you had a good time over there. I'll be singing something from They Might Be Giants in my head while I wait on the pictures.

poopie said...

Oh boy...and they've just taken over Northwestern which is the major airline out of Memphis! I'm glad I don't fly.

DSK said...

I'm honestly surprised that one of their international flights would be in such a horrible condition. They keep saying that they're focussing on international flights as the big money maker. You'd think they'd make sure all the toilets are working.

Chris in Happy Valley said...

My heart goes out to you. It's not just Delta - it's all of the American Airlines. The regulatory agencies have been stripped and since 9/11 the airlines have just lost the plot entirely. I go out of my way to avoid using American carriers these days. Try to use the European lines for international flights.