Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Turkey Travelogue: Pergamon

Our first stop in Turkey was the beautiful port city of İzmir. From there we visited a number of ancient cities that are in the surrounding province. Our first stop was Pergamon, near the modern-day city of Bergama.

These first two images are of the Trajaneum, a 2nd Century temple.

Bergama looked beautiful spread out below us.

Pergamon's Hellenistic theater once held 10,000 people and has the steepest seating of any known theater in the ancient world.

The views from up there were absolutely breathtaking!

And through it all were scattered springtime blossoms, dominated by the ubiquitous poppy.


smijer said...

I guess this could explain some of the resistance of the EU to accepting Turkey. Who wants competition for the tourists? These are beautiful. From what I've seen of Istanbul in photos, it's a very nice place, too.

alice said...

Oh, just wait... I've barely gotten started! ;-D

Regarding the fact that Turkey isn't yet part of the EU (and thank goodness for that -- we couldn't afford to visit a country that's on the Euro!)... a Turk suggested to me that even though Turkey is a secular nation, some internal hesitation comes from the fear that the EU is rather Christo-centric...

Gabriel said...

Beautiful post! I would love to get to know Turkey.

Here is my WW post for today. Have a great day!

June said...

I'm speechless...and a bit envious that you got to to see all this. Great shots!

fletch said...

Stunning. Thanks.

paige said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

Buck said...

Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.

Man, when you go away you really, really go away.

Myrtle Beach is about as close to Turkey as I will ever get.

Keera said...

Looks like you visited Turkey at just the right time. What a lot of great things to photograph: Fantastic ruins, lovely vistas, and poppies, poppies, poppies!

Re Turkey/EU: Part of Turkey's delay has to do with (lack of) human rights within their country. I don't think even the US would qualify for EU membership on that basis at this time.