Tuesday, June 3, 2008

48 Hours

MSNBC's Chuck Todd, in reacting to the news from the AP that Hillary Clinton will acknowledge that Barack Obama is the nominee tonight (a story that some Clinton insiders flatly contradict), says that the next 48 hours belong to Hillary Clinton. It will be a big victory for Obama tonight, but everyone will be watching Clinton.

Since the story keeps changing by the moment, it's hard to say what might happen, but I still think Todd is right about the next couple of days. She's run a hard-fought race and she deserves to enjoy her last few moments in the campaign spotlight and to go out on her own terms.

While we're waiting to find out how this will all play out, I'll share with you my suggestion for Hillary's next big career move...

I don't think she'd be a good vice-presidential candidate. I just can't see it -- Bill would be the 800-pound gorilla on the ticket, not really on the ticket, but constantly getting in the way and overshadowing the real candidates. But Hillary's a great Senator and a great campaigner, so I'd like to see her return to those jobs as soon as she's had a chance to catch her breath. She has a lot to contribute on Capitol Hill and I'd like to see her on the campaign trail, working to get Barack Obama, and other Democrats, elected.

Beyond the election, I'd love to see her as our next Supreme Court justice -- if the Democrats make enough gains in the Senate to get her confirmed, of course. This would be a twofer, as far as I'm concerned. First, she'd be a fantastic Justice -- she's an incredibly smart person with a willingness to dig deep into issues and really flesh out a debate. But the big bonus would be that the right wingnuts would go completely bonkers at the idea of a Clinton sitting on the Supreme Court for the rest of her life. We'd probably get to watch more than a few conservative heads explode in the aftermath. A great appointment and quality entertainment! You can't beat it!


fletch said...

Great idea, and even if the Dems don't pick up Senate seats, the Repubs have no grounds to deny her the Court, especially after the Dems caved on Alito. I saw somewhere she might be offered DHS to implement health care reforms. I think a Cabinet post would be better than VP. How about AG? That would drive the wingnuts bonkers as she opens investigations about crimes committed by the Bush administration.

alice said...

I'd like to see John Edwards as AG, which would certainly drive the wingnuts bonkers as well. Come to think of it, it's not too hard to drive the wingnuts crazy -- they're mostly there already, anyway! ;-D

Sandy LUSK said...

Oh no. Oh He*l no. She cannot be on the SCOTUS. She can't even tell the truth, e.g. Tuzla, remember? Or do math,e.g. caucus states not it the equation of winning the most votes. Or follow the rules, remember Michigan and Florida?

And let's not forget her and Bill's enemy list: the media, Move On.org, bloggers, etc. Do you think you would get a fair review if you were facing the Death Penalty? She didn't even bother to read the NIE while sitting on the Armed Services committee and helped put us into this senseless, immoral war.

No effing way for SCOTUS. No way for Veep either. After speaking her mind of waiting for Barack to get killed, there is no way this power hungry madame should be close to the White House.

Sandy LuSK said...

oops... let me rephrase the math part. She eliminated the caucus states in the equation of what constitutes popular vote. In other words, caucus voters don't count. Well, gosh, if SCOTUS has to decide another election, we want someone with an understanding of all the voters.

One more thing which I think disqualifies Hillary to the SCOTUS is her groveling to voters with the Flag Burning Amendment. This amendment is in direct conflict with the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. She showed a lack of understanding or maybe just another put her finger in the air and decide by the way the wind blows as to the 1st Amendment. She is not in the league of Harry Blackmum, Thurgood Marshall or even Steven Breyer.

She is a politician and a fundraiser. This is the last person we need to decide matters pertaining to our endearing Constitution.

June said...

I heard tonight that they'll be doing a little dance: he's to offer her VP, but will do so only if she promises not to accept. Now that's trust that I'm not sure I'd have!

Sandy LUSK said...

If Obama thinks he can trust her not to accept it, then I think each of us can sell him a Brooklyn Bridge.

oh- oh, msnbc is stating she wants to speak with Obama right away. Please God, No.

smijer said...

I don't see HRC on the SC. She's too political. As Sandy mentioned, she was willing to change the nominating rules after the contest, in order to take advantage. I agree she is smart and can look at things in depth - but until she is willing and able to uphold a higher ethic regardless of short-term advantage or personal ideology, she doesn't really deserve a spot on the SCOTUS. I'd like to see her continue, and grow, as a Senator and a campaigner. Someday she may fit another role, but it's not clear what that would be now.

Keera said...

My choice of veep: John Edwards, definitely not HRC. After all the fighting between Obama and Clinton, I can't see those two supporting each other. Obama's gullible if he thinks Mr. & Mrs. C won't get in his way.