Monday, June 2, 2008

Turkey Travelogue: Sardis

I'm sorry this is coming out so slowly. I haven't had a lot of time to process photos this past week. Anyway, we'd only gotten as far as Pergamon in my last entry about visiting ancient cities around İzmir. Our next stop was Sardis, the second of the The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse we got to visit (we made it to three -- besides Pergamon and Sardis, we also saw Ephesus -- my next entry. Unfortunately, thanks to Delta, we didn't have a chance to check out the Smyrna ruins in İzmir).

This first picture shows a row of Byzantine shops.

The foreground shows the Sardis Synagogue, and the background, the gymnasium/bath.

Some of the tile was in very good condition.

Apparently, visiting the latrine could be a group activity for Byzantines.

The swimming pool, inside the gymnasium.

More shops and buildings along the ancient road.


June said...

What wonderful shots! You must have been in heaven seeing all of this...I would have been.

Keera said...

Ooh, I love the tiles!

I wonder when going to the bathroom became a private matter? Norway's apartment buildings once had communal outhouses, where you'd sit two to five in a row.

alice said...

When I was a kid, there was an outhouse on my uncle's farm with two seats. We girls used to love to pee together...