Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Keera said...

Action photo! I can hear the chain saw and smell the saw dust! Good shot!

That is one old and gorgeous ash tree that's going down. Yours?

alice said...

Yeah, ours, but it's not an ash tree, it's a hackberry -- basically the equivalent of a giant weed. They are a scourge in this neighborhood and I'm so happy to finally be rid of this one. We have several maples in the yard and have recently planted a bunch of crape myrtles, so we've still ahead when it comes to trees. That one had to go, though, because it kept dropping limbs. Sometimes they'd hit the roof and stab holes in the shingles and sometimes they'd drop in the yard (never did hit people or the dog, but I always worried). And then there was the aphid problem, which has been growing steadily worse in the past few years -- things turned into quite the sticky mess out there in autumn. Yuck. I hope this is my last run-in with a hackberry tree!

Christina said...

I have to admit, when I first saw your comment "Hackberry" over on the WW site, I thought that it had to do with a hacked blackberry! But this is an awesome shot -- My parents have been in the process of getting rid of trees which are against the house for the same reasons. Not only were they a hazard and stabbing holes everywhere, they were also turning the aluminum siding green!

Happy WW!

Keera said...

I have never heard of hackberry before. The smooth bark looks just like the smooth bark on an ash.

alice said...

Christina, my husband got the same thing when he posted about the tree on facebook -- everyone thought he was talking about his phone! haha.

It's also amazing, once you admit to defoliating, how many people there are out there who have been also forced to take down trees! Now that it's gone, I'm loving my yard so much more! There's so much light back there and we're already planning to plant so many new things now that the sun will make it to the ground...

Keera, I can see that -- especially with everything gone but the trunk, it does look like an ash! I hope you never have to become acquainted with the hackberry -- they're evil wooden weeds!