There's a nice bit of blur in this photo. It was late in the day, almost to sunset, so I was losing the light. I'd been riding my bike through the Robinson Preserve in Manatee County, Florida and had stopped to quickly climb the observation tower and take one more look at its breathtaking view of the Preserve and the Tampa Bay (and the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, way off in the distance) when this wood stork glided by and gave me a bonus photo for the day. Wood storks can be surprisingly beautiful for such homely birds.
Have a great weekend, folks! I know you've all earned it! Be safe and healthy and happy and remember to check out the Friday Ark for more great creature pics!
Cool shot of the wood stork in flight!
Such great fall colors in the photo. I remember your mentioning how much you too liked birds.
I enjoyed reading your bio and snickered at your comment that you live with "your first husband." You and G have lived some interesting places I see. I love the Chapel Hill area....we went there many times through my x-h's job interviews at the research triangle and we nearly moved there twice....I was hoping because it is such a great community for writers. Glad Chattanooga is now your home. This red state needs more blue, surely.
This stork looks like such a graceful being. Great shot!
They are elegant birds! Thanks for the kind comments!
Laurie, leaving Chapel Hill was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It is such a vibrant community, just teeming with progressive energy. At the time we lived there, they had more PhDs per capita than any other county in the country. There is so much going on there, everywhere, all the time. I could have stayed forever, but for that pesky little problem with G-Dog wanting to work in his field. We were typical residents of a city where something like one-third of the population turns over annually. We got six years in before we had to move on, but eventually, most people do have to go elsewhere.
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