Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Silly people!

Here we are, getting all hot and bothered about something so trivial as a presidential election when there are ([outdated link raising the issue of who has the "worst pundit hair" redacted]) much more important issues at stake!

And, yes -- we're getting a lot of wind and rain, but so far no flooding or damage.

1 comment:

Widdy said...

Are we having fun yet?

Finally!!1!! John Fucking Kerry came out and hit the Prez where he lives. He needs to do it more. Hammer at his military (non)service record. Hammer at the sorry shape the economy is really in. Hammer at his miserable record of screwing Medicare recipients (rates were raised 14% last week).

Keep on keepin' on, grrrrrl. The party and the country need more fire breathers like you.

