Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Feingold '08?

Via Kos comes this tidbit from USN&WR's gossip column, Washington Whispers:

Fresh face, new voice
Keep a lookout for Sen. Russ Feingold, the second half of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance duo, who just won a third term from Wisconsin voters. He's on a nationwide mission to test out his progressive message that's liberal on some issues, like universal healthcare, and conservative on others, like the deficit. Fans think he can bridge the blue-state-red-state divide, making him not just a voice for a changing Democratic Party but a possible '08 presidential candidate. He's not the only one: Republicans are keeping an eye on Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who's on his own message tour.
Russ Feingold for president? Wow! A real progressive candidate is almost too much to hope for. But will the new chair of the party be interested in dealing with a maverick? Stay tuned!!!!

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