Friday, January 7, 2005

Friday Creature

It's the first Friday Creature of 2005! Today I bring you what I thought was a purple finch when I took the photo. But as I looked it up for linking purposes, I realized that this is actually the house finch. I think I've seen both varieties of finch at my feeder, but this particular one has the purple color confined mostly to the head and chest.

In other bird news, I've spotted a few new varieties in the past week. I think a rufous-sided towhee popped in for a brief visit, but he didn't stay long enough for either a decent photo or a solid ID. Also, I got to stalk a neighborhood woodpecker one day last weekend. His red head and large size have caught my eye several times in the past year, but this week I was able to get close enough to confirm that he is indeed a pileated woodpecker. I got a couple of blurry photos, but since he's obviously a full-time resident in the neighborhood, I think I'll hold out for a good picture before I post one.

UPDATE: Bubba's got a heron up today and there're lots of other critters up over on the Ark, including smijer's weekly cat.


Julie said...

I love the call of the housefinch. It's a jolly, burbling song... always makes me smile. :)

alice said...

I don't get to hear the birds much at this time of year, because they're on the other side of the window. :-/ But the cornell web site has audio files of all of the bird calls, so it's not necessary to go completely without.