Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Catch Up!

We've got a debate tonight (#20, and maybe the last one of the race)! I'm pretty excited, as anything might happen -- there will be no opening or closing statements, and no time limits. It'll be chaos! Whoo-hoo!

I've also got a backlog of news and links, since I took a day off, and it was a very newsy day! I'll be adding to his list as the evening wears on, so reload the page for more -- I'll probably keep at it until around midnight. I'm not planning to live- blog the debate, but who knows!?! If things get really wacky, I might have to make a comment or two!

Chris Dodd, the first of the Democratic presidential contenders to endorse, has stepped into Obama's camp. Will Richardson be next to pick a team? (Also, progressives note: Russ Feingold has endorsed Obama.)

People keep talking about how Barack Obama is at a higher risk for potential harm than other candidates/presidents might be, but I'm not worried. Our Secret Service has an awesome record. If they weren't so good at what they do, I'm sure someone would have taken W out by now. If they can keep that unbelievably incompetent, reviled idiot safe, they can protect Barack Obama from a few stupid racists.

Is Peggy Noonan drunk? Or off her meds?

Who is Hillary running against? Which Hillary will show up tonight? The one who hates speeches and rallies? She criticizes Obama for a lack of foreign policy experience, but I'm pretty sure Barack has more foreign policy cred (as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) than Bill Clinton had when he was running for president in 1992. Besides, look where her supposed experience got her. And while we're at it, which Clinton is running?

Oh, Mark Penn. You're so ugly. But who are you really rooting for? Are you really in this primary race?

Dear John McCain... it's the lobbyists, stupid! Oh, and that pesky law that you wrote! Hypocrisy does not become you (and btw, John, the surge didn't work).

Dear Ron Paul supporters... you won't get anywhere if you don't vote!

The SCLM is at it again. Will they get away with it (Rachel's on it!)? There's a poll here. (And btw, why does CNN suck so much these days?)

One of Romney's valiant warrior sons says that Mitt may flip flop himself back into the race! Maybe he needs to get rid of some more of that pesky money...

... and in non-presidential politics, Chattanooga still has the worst mayor ever! How's this for a hamfisted and stupid attempt at humor?


sravana said...

Hey Alice,

Your firedoglake noonan link is broken - you need to shorten it by a bit...


DSK said...

Well, I personally enjoyed Littlefield's stunt a great deal.

But since I live in the county, I guess I'm not doing him much good one way or another in the voting department.

alice said...

Thanks, srav! I fixed it!