Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday Stuff

Happy March, everyone! Here's the chatter from the internet in the past day or so...

Barack Obama: he reached out to the LGBT community this week, and then later took a step further, calling homophobia "unchristian."

John McCain: his campaign bus is filled with lobbyists and he's having all kinds of problems with those pesky campaign finance laws. And now he's making smoochie face with a scary, bigoted, catholic-hating wingnut and end-times kook (yeah he really is that charming), James Hagee, and he refuses to take it back (and he was warned about this!).

Tim Russert: has one set of rules for Democrats and another set for Republicans? But is anyone really surprised? There's a reason he's Cheney's favorite press patsy.

George W. Bush: incoherent as ever, garbled, out of touch, and not at all self-aware (did Bush really think it sent the wrong message when Reagan had summits with Gorbachev?!?).

Jack Kingston: refuses to wear a flag on his lapel! Why does he hate America?

Rush Holt: calls Bush a "miserable lying twit" -- and calls him on his disingenuous FISA theatrics.

Three Families of Privilege: the Windsors, the Romneys and the Bushes. (btw, how much do you think Harry hates Drudge?)

Prisons: More than 1% of Americans are incarcerated. I'm thinking we need to keep the violent offenders locked up, but a lot of those people could be supporting themselves, instead of being burdens to the taxpayer. I'm sure we could do better than we're doing now.

Autism and immunizations: another perspective.

Final thoughts: what people don't say on their deathbeds.


June said...

1.Hurray for Obama!

2.Not content to just think about January 20, 2009, I decided to put a countdown clock on my sidebar to keep me salivating.

3.I appreciated reading the link re: immunizations. I just had a shingles shot, and before that, I had a flu other words, I've not bought in to the "immunizations are bad" line of thinking.

Chris in Oxford said...

Those prison stats were the scariest I've seen coming out of the States in a while. It's a strange situation, because prisons are big business these days. Where I grew up, in north Florida, the economy used to rely on phosphate mining. When that dried up, they started building prisons. Now, most folks either work for the prisons or are resident there. It IS the economy up there.