Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spitzer's Replacement?

Someone in the comments of yesterday's post raised the issue of who might replace New York Governor Eliot Spitzer if he should resign (as he is expected to do). Well, New York is poised for a couple of firsts: their first African American governor, and the US's first legally blind governor. David Paterson, currently New York's Lieutenant Governor is also a marathon runner and the son of a former New York Secretary of State. He is in line to be Governor (and replacement superdelegate?) if Spitzer steps down.


smijer said...

Wow - what a bio. I guess there is a pretty deep bench in NY. It's a terrible shame about Spitzer. I feel let down & I'm not even a NYer. I had entertained thoughts of voting for him for President someday.

Amsed said...

President? lol!