Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Creature

I realized recently that if I post my creature pics from Turkey one at a time, I'll be doing them for the rest of the year. So, starting this week, I'm going to clump them up into categories. Since for the past two weeks, I've posted images of cattle, I'll start with that, and publish the rest of the pictures I caught of grazing creatures in Turkey.

In other news, it's gotten incredibly hot here all of a sudden. Summer really is here, with a vengeance! The talking heads on the teevee tell me that it's going to be a hot few days for a lot of people here in the US, and that these relentless tornadoes will continue to poke at us. Please stay safe, cool and hydrated, and have a wonderful weekend. As usual, the Friday Ark brings you all manner of fauna! And via towleroad, check out this cool image featuring a huge school of rays!

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