Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I've been thumbing through some old photos lately and have discovered quite a few overlooked gems in the archives, so at some point I think I might start a new feature for sharing blasts from the past. In the meantime, though, in honor of Father's Day, which much of the world is celebrating today -- with some notable exceptions -- I thought I'd share a couple of photos.

I don't get to spend Father's Day with my father this year, but last year was a treat because the holiday fell on the same weekend as our annual family gathering. When he's not at the office, my father can usually be found on the tennis court, so that is where I captured the second image below. The first one probably reaches back almost fifty years, for a study in (surprisingly little) contrast. I found it last year when I was perusing the old family photo albums. I think it's a picture my mother snapped back when my parents were still a carefree couple -- before the five children, and the wonderful chaos that arrived in our wake.

I think the same easygoing, energetic spirit is visible in both images.


June said...

He sort of looked like Clark Kent!

Chris in Happy Valley said...

Thanks for the recognition ;)

I love the top photo, that was always my model for the way a Dad should look. I've found that unless you want sick on your suit, however, it's best to dress like a slob.

DSK said...


Keera said...

I really like the pictures of your dad. You're lucky to have them - and him.