Monday, November 25, 2013

Time to drain the rain barrel...

When I went outside to rake yesterday morning, I found this dangling from the overflow pipe of the rain barrel. Not that we're likely to get a hard enough freeze to turn a full barrel of water to ice, but better safe than sorry...


Keera Ann Fox said...

Pretty icicle! But yeah, drain that.

BTW, I've seen some mountain cabins using a chain hanging from the gutter rather than pipe. Instead of the pipe freezing and breaking apart from the ice, the chain guides the water down to the ground, and any ice just forms around the chain, not harming anything.

tut-tut said...

I have a rain barrel. In the garage. I'm a bit worried about cutting the downspout.

alice said...

Very clever, Keera! I would think that the chain also gives the ice a bit of extra strength, so it is not as likely to break off in a strong wind.

Tut, you can always get a replacement downspout, right? ;)