Thursday, October 28, 2004

T minus 4 days

It's time to have the election and move on. Everyone seems to be _at least_ a bit frayed at the edges. ...And some people are just plain falling apart completely. I think maybe Rudy Giuliani jumped the shark today. He took what's left of the goodwill he built up after 9/11, and like a good republican, he pissed it away (or did he piss on it?). Whatever. This whole election season has become far too mean and bitter. Let's all vote and move on, OK?


cujo_de_soque said...

Election season?

Put some antlers on all them politicians and toss them into the woods. If the rednecks miss, there's a chance they'll shoot each other. That's a win-win in my book.

Hell, make that the election. Who needs voting booths? If nothing else the winner will have the fear of Satan put into his flabby ass.

I'd sure be curious to see how Bush and Kerry would fare.

alcielj said...

Well, we know that Kerry can face combat as needed. But Bush would probably whine for Poppy/Karl to take him to Chuckie Cheese instead.