Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday Roundup

Hillary Clinton: What's going on in the campaign? Where can one learn more about these dynamics? Is the press unfair to her? Are they biased?

Bill Clinton: He's baaack! Does he suck?

Barack Obama: Should he take the public money? McCain thinks he should, but he's about the only one. Maybe McCain's just jealous.

John McCain: Does he have any integrity? Can he control his temper?

Al Gore: is he still the dark horse? Or will he be a broker?

Texas: What is up with the crazy polling there?

New York City: Where are the votes? Who knows?

David Davis (R-TN 1st), is running for reelection to the US House and a blogger in our midst is (sorta) mounting a campaign to assure some opposition.

Charles Barkley is no longer a Republican.

Remember talking about campaign music? Here's more fodder for discussion (more artists have come forward to ask conservatives to stop using their music)!

I hate hearing about how stupid Americans are, but for some reason, I keep reading.

And finally, Lawrence King, our sad nation's latest hate crime victim, is remembered.

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