Friday, February 15, 2008

Three New Polls

As an update to yesterday's post about polling in pivotal upcoming states, here are three new polls of Texas voters that were released today:

Rasmussen ReportsFeb 1454389/4537711
American Research GroupFeb 13-1442487/4236119
Texas Credit Union LeagueFeb 11-1349418/454165


davidm. said...

Kinda curious why the Rasmussen numbers are different than the other 2...

smijer said...

kinda curious why the ARG numbers are different than the other two ;)

R. Neal said...

FYI, the tables on this post and another show up as all black on black (i.e. can't see the text) in Internet Explorer. Looks fine in Firefox.

alice said...

Thanks, R. I think I've fixed the problem.