Tuesday, April 22, 2008

At Last, PA!

The dog had some minor surgery today, but she's back home and feeling fine. While she convalesces, we'll be following the returns from Pennsylvania...

UPDATE: just an aside: I've been watching the coverage all evening, and have noticed that both candidates have played John Mellencamp songs. But interestingly, Mellencamp himself (along with his wife) appeared on stage with Obama in Indiana this evening. Will the campaign music issue resurface?

Democrat (%, #votes, delegates)Republican (%, #votes, delegates)
April 22
100% reporting

Next up:
May 3: Guam
May 6: North Carolina and Indiana
May 13: West Virginia
May 20: Kentucky and Oregon
June 1: Puerto Rico
June 3: South Dakota and Montana

(Our long national nightmare continues ad nauseum...)

1 comment:

DSK said...

National nightmare indeed.